14/01/2025How much money do I need to retire in the UK? As a Chartered Financial Planning Firm in Scotland, one of the most common questions we hear is “How much money do I need to retire in the UK?”. And the answer is, it depends. Everyone should base their pension savings goals and their retirement plannin...
14/01/2025Defined Benefit vs Defined Contribution Pensions If you are saving for retirement in the UK, you will usually have either a defined benefit pension (DB pension), a defined contribution pension (DC pension), or perhaps even both. But what are they? What is the difference between defined benefit and ...
14/01/2025How much money do I need to retire comfortably in the UK? “How much money do I need to retire comfortably in the UK?” This is the number one question for most of our clients. Compared to the cost of a moderate retirement, a ‘comfortable’ retirement lifestyle demands a bigger pension, bu...
14/01/2025What is the minimum pension I need to retire in the UK? There are a number of reasons you might ask ‘what is the minimum pension I need to retire in the UK?’. You might be worried if you are saving fast enough, or you might want to retire as early as possible by giving up some luxuries in later lif...
12/01/2025What size pension do I need for a moderate retirement in the UK? If you’ve ever wondered ‘what size pension do I need to retire in the UK?’, chances are you’re thinking about a moderate retirement lifestyle. Something more than the minimum amount of money needed to retire, but not a big enough pens...
10/01/2025How do defined benefit pensions work? If you’ve seen our comparison of Defined Benefit vs Defined Contribution Pensions you might already know a bit about how defined benefit pensions work. But let’s take a more detailed look, so you are as informed as you can be about DB pensions. What is a define...
08/01/2025What is a pension in the UK? The topic of Pensions in the UK can feel overwhelmingly complex, but it doesn’t need to be. Let’s take a look at the basics of what a pension is, the different types of pension available in the UK, and the vital role they will play in your future wellbeing a...
08/01/2025How do defined contribution pensions work? Our comparison of Defined Benefit vs Defined Contribution Pensions offers some initial insight into how defined contributions pensions work. But now let’s take a deeper dive into DC pensions so you’re fully informed about your options. What is a defined co...
07/11/2024The 2024 US presidential election proved to be one of the most closely contested races in recent history, but the result has surprised many in terms of both the margin and speed of the victory. Since US elections can have a global economic influence, you may be wondering if Trump will be good or ba...
30/09/2024Lomond Wealth in Top 100 Financial Advisors UK Lomond Wealth has been ranked in the FT Adviser Top 100 Financial Advisors in the UK for the fifth time in the last six years. This is a ranking that matters to us because of how much it matters to you, our clients. The FT Adviser chooses it’s top 100 ...
30/10/2023Do you have missing pension pots? Each year, countless pensions go missing. In fact, there’s a massive £26.6 billion in lost pensions in the UK! So, if you’re wondering “How do I track down my missing pension pots?”, you can find out below. How big is the average missing pension pot? The...
10/08/2023How to Start Your Child’s Financial Journey As parents, we all want to give our children the best life possible. But the ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’ won’t be open to them forever. Here are three simple ways to start your child’s financial journey and set them on the path to financial independence b...
29/03/2023Don’t forget to make the most of your UK pension tax relief allowance for 2022/23. The more tax relieved pension contributions you make, the larger your retirement fund can grow and the smaller your overall income tax position. For the 2022/23 tax year, the annual allowance for UK tax relief ...
20/12/2022We want to help keep your money safe this festive season so here are some tips on how to spot a scammer at Christmas. Christmas is the busiest time of year for Santa, brussel sprout retailers, and online scammers. Check out our tips below, and if you ever feel like you might have been caught out by...
05/09/2022When the markets take a downward turn like they have recently, it’s important not to panic and rush to sell. History has shown time and time again that the markets rebound and continues their long-term upward trajectory. In fact, not only should investors not rush to sell, you may also hear people ...
19/07/2022You may have seen the Alphabet (GOOGL) stock split in the news lately, which took effect today (Monday 18th July 22) . Below we explain what it all means for you if you have shares already, or if you have been thinking about buying some. Alphabet – the parent company Google, and one of...
23/05/2022Covid-19 has revolutionised the UK’s perspective on insurance and protection planning. More and more people across the country are opening their eyes to how vulnerable their income and lifestyle is to the never-ending roulette of national and global events. Here’s why attitudes of people in Britain...
20/04/2022We’re well into April now and spring is in the air. Lambs are leaping, the daffodils are out, Easter is gone, and you might be thinking about having a good old spring clean. It’s a great feeling to have everything in order for the year ahead. But why limit yourself to clearing out your home and spr...
21/03/2022Time to maximise your end of tax year savings! Another tax year has flown by and it’s time to top up your pots to maximise your end of tax year savings! Below is a refresher on how to make the most of your ISA, Pension, Gifting, and Capital Gains allowances, including 6 Top Tips and 3 Crucial...
21/02/2022What is inflation and how can you beat it? The latest inflation figures announced last week (16.02.22) show that the UK’s escalating cost of living is not done yet. This month, we’re diving into what inflation is, how it makes you feel the pinch, and how you can best plan to beat it – especia...
21/01/2022The last couple of years have shown how tired some conceptions have become regarding what it takes to work effectively, feel fulfilled and be successful in many industries. Businesses around the world have discovered that working remotely is a viable option, some choosing only to return to the offi...
22/12/2021You might have noticed some of our cracking financial Christmas jokes popping up on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages over the last two weeks. And since crackers often have some trivia in them too, here are few facts to go with each of our festive funnies. Q1: What % of the UK worki...
24/11/2021In case you missed it, there was a climate conference in Glasgow this month! You might laugh, but some would argue the world leaders who attended COP26 missed it themselves. Or at least they seemed to, in many ways, miss the point. Headlines were stolen by the 118 private jets that brought world le...
28/10/2021Whether it’s ghosts and ghouls or the zombie apocalypse that usually come to mind at Halloween, this year we’ve got some truly hair-raising stuff for you to think about. Pension planning for retirement is already a scary topic for many people in the UK. But it really doesn’t have to be. We’ve dug u...
28/09/2021Is now the time to switch to Ethical Investing? Ever thought about making the switch to Ethical Investing for your pension or investment plan? Well, here’s why now might be the perfect time to turn over a greener leaf. The summer 2021 was Scotland’s fourth driest on record, with 47% less rainfall t...
07/09/2021One of our newest clients wrote down his thoughts on the whole ‘Millennial Retirement Planning’ experience, and we just had to share it! (Thanks, J). Not long after my 35th birthday, a thought entered my mind and got stuck there. And it terrified me. It wasn’t the fact that every second...
21/07/2021In Every Tragedy Lies Opportunity It’s important to know how to spot a pension scammer, as well as the many other kinds of financial fraudsters out there. Particularly in tragic and turbulent times, like those we have lived through in the last 18 months, these horrible people will look to tak...
25/06/2021Investing is a financial tool. But don’t think of it as a hammer. Think of it as a Swiss army knife. It’s not always about increasing wealth. Whatever the position you are in and whatever the goals you have for the future, there is a way to use investing to your advantage. It’s a common misconcepti...
27/05/2021Discover Your Personal Investment Style Investing money towards your future can feel daunting. Especially if you haven’t started yet. But it’s a lot less scary when you work out what kind of investor you are. Whether you’d like to buy your dream home, open your own business, or just retire com...
21/04/2021It’s never too late (or early) to start investing for retirement. Either way, starting today will help ensure a more enjoyable and less stressful lifestyle after stopping work. And there’s never been a better time to do it. Whether you’re not sure if you’re saving enough, or you haven’t even ...
08/03/2021Meet the Women of Lomond Wealth We feel proud (and privileged) to have female voices heard at every level of our firm. In fact, we have a majority female team in an industry that has a reputation for being male-dominated. Join us in celebrating International Women’s Day 2021, by getting to kn...
16/02/2021Ready to make the most of your end of tax year savings? It’s that time of year again! The end of tax year highlights so many opportunities to make the most of (or miss out on) your annual tax-free allowances. Doing what you can to take advantage means you could send £1000s less to HMRC, as well as ...
12/02/2021“It is health that is real wealth” – Mahatma Gandhi One of many wise things said by a very humble man, and something we should all keep in mind – especially in trying times like right now. But did you know he loved to cycle? “On yer bike!” – Mahatma Gandhi Okay. Gandhi didn’t say that. But he was f...
11/02/2021Lomond Wealth signs Financial Vulnerability Charter A safe pair of hands when you need them most At Lomond Wealth, we have always been looking out for any of our clients who could be in a vulnerable financial situation. However, it is with great pride that we are now officially signatories of the Fi...
29/01/2021What is Personal Protection Planning? A personal protection plan is a tailored package of insurances that ensures you and your loved ones are supported should the worst ever happen. This includes Income Protection Insurance, Life Insurance, and Critical Illness Cover. Protection planning has always ...
28/12/2020So long 2020: Normally at this time of year, it’s good to look back and reflect. But, to be honest, I think we’d all sooner see the back of 2020 than go back over it. What we will say though is this. Regardless of anyone’s individual experiences of 2020, it has been a year of learning for everyone ...
19/11/2020What is Socially Responsible Investing? As the planet heats up so does the topic of Socially Responsible Investing. The events of 2020 have made it easy to forget we were already facing a worldwide threat before COVID-19. Global warming. And while the environment is not the only issue that Socially...
22/10/2020With effective retirement planning, you can retire earlier and still enjoy life after work to the full. But if you feel like you don’t know where to begin with your retirement plan, Cashflow Modelling can be both insightful and reassuring. That’s why Lomond Wealth has invested in the very latest so...
09/10/2020All you need to know about the MyWealth App If you haven’t downloaded the Lomond Wealth MyWealth App yet, or you have but are unsure on how best to use it, this one is for you. We know that new things, even good ones that change our lives for the better, can take a while to adopt. We humans like ou...
17/09/2020Learnings from Lockdown Don’t worry. You won’t see the word “unprecedented” anywhere in our lockdown learnings below, and we certainly won’t be delivering a heartfelt message in the guise of a “funny” Zoom call. We’ve all been through an uneasy, even scary, time lately. And we feel the best thing t...
13/05/2020In March, the coronavirus outbreak seemed to steal all the headlines, giving us almost hourly updates as it transformed our lives, and made the word ‘unprecedented’ feel like an understatement. Inevitably, there has been a serious impact on world stock markets, which have suffered their worst quarte...
25/03/2020Current Investment Climate Stock markets around the world have been extremely volatile the past few weeks, with the outbreak of coronavirus. These are uncharted times and it is therefore very difficult to predict when the world can start to return to some form of normality. At Lomond Wealth, we all ...
19/03/2020We are well prepared to continue with normal service. In these unprecedented times, your own health and that of family and friends will clearly be your number one focus. We also know that life and business must go on and we are working hard to ensure our services continue to meet your expectations. ...
09/12/2019When do you become classed as elderly? Or are you as simply as old as you feel? Research from the Office for National Statistics has revealed that although 65 has traditionally heralded the beginning of old age, 70 is now a more accurate figure. 65 used to be seen as the gateway to old age because i...
03/12/2019The beginning of November saw the World Trade Organisation authorise China to put $3.6bn (£2.8bn) of tariffs on US goods. The following week it was reported that a potential trade deal between the two countries could see tariffs ‘rolled back’. However by the middle of November Donald Trump was threa...
29/11/2019With an estimated 60 per cent of people dying without having made a will, it’s troubling to think that their life savings and property may not be passed on according to their wishes. One way of guaranteeing that those closest to you are taken care of is simply by making a will. A will ensures that ...
29/11/2019Retirement has often been described as “the longest holiday of your life.” But attractive as that sounds, can you afford to pay for the holiday? Research by one leading insurance company shows that 69% of people over the age of 50 are concerned about their income in retirement. Many people underest...
01/11/2019As pressure mounts on governments and financial institutions to do more to combat climate change, the demand for ethical investment opportunities is on the rise. Triodos Bank’s annual impact investing survey has found that nearly half (45%) of investors say that they would be keen to move their mone...
04/09/2019A joint warning from The Pensions Regulator (TPR) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) says that five million pension savers could be risking their retirement pots due to scammers. Which has left people feeling, as you can imagine, a little bit worried. The regulators’ warning came after resea...
02/08/2019As we venture further into this new digital age, the security of your personal data grows more and more important. That’s why, for this article, we’ve decided to delve into the world of online security. Below you’ll find a series of strategies that we recommend you employ to protect your presence on...
02/04/2019People simply aren’t saving enough into their pension funds. Despite the relative success of the auto-enrolment rollout and the increase of minimum contributions from 5% to 8%, there’s still a culture of misunderstanding surrounding pensions. With a reported 51% of the public believing that the mini...