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COVID-19 Announcement

We are well prepared to continue with normal service.

In these unprecedented times, your own health and that of family and friends will clearly be your number one focus. We also know that life and business must go on and we are working hard to ensure our services continue to meet your expectations. I’d like to briefly explain what we’re doing to maintain our high service standards.

What we are doing

We already have strong business continuity processes in place. Our plans include keeping a watchful eye on the latest government announcements, to ensure we can quickly react as additional measures to halt the spread of the coronavirus are introduced. Additionally, over the past two years we have invested heavily in technology which will now enable members of our team to work from home as required.

We are taking immediate steps to ensure we can continue to support your needs, while also keeping the safety of our team at the forefront of our minds. To continue our commitment to you we will be:

  • Enabling colleagues to work from remote locations as necessary, using our secure and tested technology.
  • Our offices remain open in Hamilton and Stirling however no visitors will be permitted
  • Making greater use of business tools (online meetings, Skype, Microsoft teams, telephone) to keep in contact with clients, providers and colleagues.
  • Restrictions on business travel and face to face meetings.
  • Supporting colleagues to remain resilient through periods of altered working practices.

Our preparations will help to ensure that you can contact us by email and phone, just as you usually would. In addition, our online portal allows secure communication and documents to be shared should you have any immediate needs.

We thank you for your continued support and loyalty through this time.